Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am longing to get back to cutting rings and weaving, but at the moment, University assignments are chewing up my brainpower and my time.

My insane pile of textbooks - and this is only about one third of them!

For your enjoyment, here are a couple...

"Ivanic (2004) identifies six discourses of writing and learning to write that have influenced past and present approaches to the teaching of writing: a skills discourse, a creativity discourse; a process discourse; a genre discourse; a social practices discourse and a sociopolitical discourse.  Drawing on this model, consider the discourses that underpin the proposed National Curriculum for English in the K-6 years as outlined in the Shape of the Australian Curriculum: English (2009)"


"Through a critical analysis of the research literature, discuss the factors and practical implications that need to be taken into account when including a student with either an intellectual disability or a physical disability in the regular classroom."

Sit back, and enjoy the fact that whatever you are doing, is not answering these!

(For the record, I actually love Uni, and I don't mind doing these ... if only there wasn't such a (seemingly) short timeframe!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Jens Pind and the Fifth Ring of DOOM!

Jens Pind. What a lovely weave, and quite easy to do... once it is started. Placement of the fifth ring in the sequence is the key - get it right, and you continue weaving merrily on your way. Get it wrong... the sky slowly darkens, thunder rumbles, and the piece in your hand begins to get ornery. You battle on, sure that things should be easier than this, but ... the weave begins to defy you. It slowly closes down the spaces, until you are halfway to Hulk transformation trying to jam that next ring through. It has turned into a Spiral weave, only at an AR that is much too small.

The piece on the top is correctly woven Jens Pind. The piece on the bottom is incorrectly woven Jens Pind. Why, oh why, does this happen to me (as you would suspect, statistically speaking) 50% of the time? 

(Please excuse my poor closure in the spiral piece. I was probably finding it difficult to get my pliers in there, BECAUSE I WAS WEAVING IT WRONG!)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tumbler Love

I love my tumbler. I think it has been one of the most important pieces of equipment I've picked up along my jewellery journey. I don't love it enough to sleep with it, though!

This is my boy, who occasionally decides that cramming himself under the sideboard to sleep on a whole bunch of power cords is comfortable. Go figure.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Etsy Treasury - Get In The Ring

So what is an Etsy Treasury? It is a collection of items from Etsy, compiled by the users (in this case, me!) It may be based around a theme, such as dreams, or Spring, or caramel; it may be based around a colour scheme, such as robin's egg blue, or dusty pink; it may simply be an eclectic mix that appeals to the creator for one reason or another. Sometimes the treasury can turn into a piece of art on its own merit.

Below is my first Etsy Treasury. I was being subjected to UFC on television, so I decided to see what I could find on Etsy. Sure enough, there were items based around boxing, and fighting. I liked the juxtaposition of a "sport" where the focus is destruction of the opponent, with Etsy, which is all about creation.

You can see any of these items in greater detail here.

You can also see what other treasuries people have created, or even make your own. You never know just what you might discover!